Green tea hill in Moc Chau
Referring to Moc Chau plateau, many people often think of green tea hills stretching along the hillside, which has become an endless inspiration for photographers and tourists.
In Moc Chau plateau, tea is grown a lot in the farm town. This place is also one of the three areas with impressive heart-shaped tea hills and attracts the most tourists.

Moc Chau Plateau is famous for its green tea hills stretching to the other side of the hill. Saying Moc Chau tea hill is a natural beauty, right! But it is not wrong to say that Moc Chau tea hill is an artificial beauty because it is the hands of people and tea farm workers who have created such masterpieces as the S-shaped tea hill, the heart-shaped tea hill on the road. Go to Ngu Dong Ban On…


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