“Our destination is not a land, but a new way of looking at it”, that is a good quote about travel by American writer Henry Miller. Surely when writing these words, the author was aware of the role of traveling, discovering new lands and places.

Ha Giang - winter tourist attraction

According to statistics of Ha Giang Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, by mid-December, the province welcomed about 2.2 million visitors (reaching nearly 150% of the year plan)...

Where to go on the first day of winter?

Winter is coming and the epidemic situation is a bit better, has anyone planned a year-end outing yet? It is said that it is cold in the North, visiting these lands is so wonderful.

Green tea hill in Moc Chau

Referring to Moc Chau plateau, many people often think of green tea hills stretching along the hillside, which has become an endless inspiration for photographers and tourists. In Moc Chau plateau, tea is grown a lot in the farm town. This place is also one...

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