Vietnam work permit service for foreigners

Foreigners working in Vietnam on a permanent basis for a Vietnamese company, organization or individual or a company with foreign investment in Vietnam must have a work permit, except for those subject to work permit exemption (for which eligible foreigners are required to obtain work permit exemption certificate).

A work permit can be applied directly by you at the Vietnam’s Department of labor, Invalids and Social Affairs. However, constant changes in law, complicated procedures for obtaining a work permit with many steps and several documents to be prepared, might confuse a lot of people, even those who have ever done the application themselves, not to mention the first-time applicants.

For this reason, has developed the work permit application service in order to:

  • Update you with the latest regulations on Vietnam work permits;

  • Check if you are eligible for work permit exemption and assist you with the procedure to get work permit exemption certificate;

  • Minimize your documents to be submitted for work permit application;

  • Instruct you how to prepare and where to get all the necessary documents;

  • Check for legality as well as logics of your documents;

  • Follow all the procedures with the Vietnam Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs on your behalf,

  • Update your work permit processing status, and

  • Save your time for other businesses.

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